Red braids


Teatro del Drago

Inspired by: Pippi longstocking
On stage: Roberta Colombo e Andrea Monticelli
Text and direction: Roberta Colombo

When I was little I had a love and my love was a little girl with braids and freckles. This little girl was nine years old and she was more or less my age, but I didn’t have freckles or red hair … I still dreamed of being her and when I looked at her I remained speechless all the time …

One of the most beloved characters in international literature is told through some of his incredible stories full of emotions and feelings.

Friendship and her freedom of thought, of choosing and deciding are the strength of her soul, and this makes Pippi, serene and in full harmony with the environment that surrounds her.

On stage an actress, puppets, shadows and two children chosen from the audience who will have the opportunity to be privileged spectators. The story will cross some very intense moments such as school, the circus, the island of Cip Cip to return there where we had left: the messy and cheerful Villa Villacolle.

Theatrical show for boys and girls from 5 years

Technical Specification


Playing Area

8 meters x 6 meters



Electrical Specification

 32Ampere – x 10 kw – 220Volt



Stage Setup time: 4h ;

Dismountling: 2h ;

Duration: 60 minutes, no interval.



The show can also be represented in places NOT CORRESPONDING to the technical requirements indicated, but provided that a DIFFERENT AGREEMENT has been established with the company at the time of the contract.

Soc. coop. soc. ONLUS

Sede Legale
Via S.Alberto, 297 – 48123 Ravenna

Sede Operativa
Via Venezia 26 c/o Officine Creative – 48121 Ravenna

+39 392 666 42 11

Credits: KAERU
Per info e preventivi spettacoli

+39 335 5342500 (Mauro Monticelli)
+39 366 6877482 (Andrea Monticelli)

Per prenotare eventi, spettacoli e laboratori

+39 392 6664211

Teatro del Drago è una Compagnia di Teatro di Figura a rilevanza nazionale secondo il Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali – Regione Emilia Romagna e fa parte di UN.I.MA. – Unione Internazionale della Marionetta e A.T.F. – Associazione Teatri di Figura.

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