Teatro del Drago


Direction: Roberta Colombo Images and Shadows: Andrea Monticelli With: Sol, La e… Piccolissimo Lullaby song: Tiziana Ferretti Audio: Andrea Mazzotti Thanks to: Irene Monticelli, Beatrice Bologna

There is a before and there is an after. First there is an idea, a dream, a desire, then everything takes shape.
Meanwhile, a party breaks out. There is something that moves, that grows and transforms. It’s all dark inside, but it’s not scary, it feels good inside, it’s warm and reassuring. Sounds are heard but nothing is seen. We always eat, swim and rotate. Then at some point you have to leave or parto-rire ….. Ready?
So let’s go, the train of life passes only once …
A tunnel, you have to go through it all … and here I am …


Previewed in December 2013, in the form of a study-show within the special theater project for early childhood “Le arti per i piccolissimi” born from the collaboration between Vegetal Drama / Ravenna Teatro and Teatro del Drago.

Technical Specification


Playing Area

8 meters x 6 meters


Electrical Specification

 32Ampere – x 10 kw – 220Volt


Stage Setup time: 4h ; Dismountling: 2h ;

Duration: 60 minutes, no interval.



we need the dark in the theatre!
Soc. coop. soc. ONLUS

Sede Legale
Via S.Alberto, 297 – 48123 Ravenna

Sede Operativa
Via Venezia 26 c/o Officine Creative – 48121 Ravenna

+39 392 666 42 11
PEC: teatrodeldrago@legalmail.it

Credits: KAERU
Per info e preventivi spettacoli

+39 335 5342500 (Mauro Monticelli)
+39 366 6877482 (Andrea Monticelli)

Per prenotare eventi, spettacoli e laboratori

+39 392 6664211

Teatro del Drago è una Compagnia di Teatro di Figura a rilevanza nazionale secondo il Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali – Regione Emilia Romagna e fa parte di UN.I.MA. – Unione Internazionale della Marionetta e A.T.F. – Associazione Teatri di Figura.

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