Fagiolino Golden ass


Teatro del Drago

Director: Renato Bandoli

On Stage: Mauro Monticelli e Gianluca Palma
Text: Francesco Niccolini, Mauro Monticelli
Costumes, Scenography and Puppets: Arianna Maritan, Michela Bellagamba
Light designer: Andrea Monticelli

Thanks to: “Filodrammatici” di Piacenza, Teatro Petrella di Longiano, Teatro Comunale di Russi

The show combines three different genres: puppet theater, the ancient art of storyteller, and juggling. Irony and spontaneous comedy are constants that manage to amalgamate different situations and mark the show.

The work of Apuleius, known to all as “The golden ass”, is the source of inspiration for the adventures of the puppet Fagiolino. The story is told by two odd characters: Zambutèn – gruff charlatan salesman of ointments and scam remedies – and Verruca, his assistant. The scenography is reminiscent of a decadent nineteenth-century acrobat circus.

The terrible sorceress Saturnina transforms Fagiolino from puppet to donkey. And he, desperate, asks for help from the Magician Ermete Trimegisto who, however, mercilessly sends him to hell where he will have to face Charon and Cerberus, the three-headed dog. Thanks to the intervention of the Goddess Venus, the situation will be resolved in the best way.

The show combines three different genres: puppet theater, the ancient art of storyteller, and juggling. Irony and spontaneous comedy are constants that manage to amalgamate different situations and mark the show.

The work of Apuleius, known to all as “The golden ass”, is the source of inspiration for the adventures of the puppet Fagiolino. The story is told by two odd characters: Zambutèn – gruff charlatan salesman of ointments and scam remedies – and Verruca, his assistant. The scenography is reminiscent of a decadent nineteenth-century acrobat circus.

The terrible sorceress Saturnina transforms Fagiolino from puppet to donkey. And he, desperate, asks for help from the Magician Ermete Trimegisto who, however, mercilessly sends him to hell where he will have to face Charon and Cerberus, the three-headed dog. Thanks to the intervention of the Goddess Venus, the situation will be resolved in the best way.

Suitable for an audience of all age

Informazioni Tecniche


Palcoscenico o Pedana

Misure minime mt. 8 x 6, misure ideali mt 10 x 8.

Altezza libera minima mt. 4



A norma CEE: presa pentapolare 32A – (TRIFASE + NEUTRO + TERRA) 10 Kw + alcune prese 220V – 16A.
N.B. La Compagnia non effettua allacciamenti di corrente con cavi scoperti a quadri elettrici e morsettiere. In questo caso è indispensabile un elettricista


Tempo di montaggio: ore 4
Tempo di smontaggio: ore 2
Durata spettacolo: 1 ora circa


È richiesto buio assoluto
E’ preferibile la scaletta di collegamento tra palco e platea.
La Compagnia è totalmente autonoma per il montaggio e lo smontaggio e non necessita di materiali del teatro. Si prega di comunicare alla Compagnia eventuali difficoltà tecniche per l’accesso del furgone alle porte del palcoscenico.
Soc. coop. soc. ONLUS

Sede Legale
Via S.Alberto, 297 – 48123 Ravenna

Sede Operativa
Via Venezia 26 c/o Officine Creative – 48121 Ravenna

+39 392 666 42 11
PEC: teatrodeldrago@legalmail.it

Credits: KAERU
Per info e preventivi spettacoli

+39 335 5342500 (Mauro Monticelli)
+39 366 6877482 (Andrea Monticelli)

Per prenotare eventi, spettacoli e laboratori

+39 392 6664211

Teatro del Drago è una Compagnia di Teatro di Figura a rilevanza nazionale secondo il Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali – Regione Emilia Romagna e fa parte di UN.I.MA. – Unione Internazionale della Marionetta e A.T.F. – Associazione Teatri di Figura.

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